David Cameron recently made a speech about immigration. Prime Ministers do that sort of thing. Particularly at election time. Strange, isn't it? No, not really. Except this one was.
Cameron's speech contained no policy initiative, wasn't very controversial and seemed to want 'good' immigration (in Cameron Speak, middle class Asians who will set up their own businesses and then vote Conservative) rather than 'bad' immigration (in Cameron speak, black people). All fairly tame by Tory standards, you might think.
Vince Cable, however, didn't think so. He was pretty quick off the mark in his criticism of Cameron, putting forward his response almost before the speech was made. Good old Aunty Vince, warning that David Cameron was playing into the hands of extremism, being the progressive voice in a cabinet full of Etonians.
Or perhaps not.
Perhaps, as with everything else that this Government has done so far, it was a charade, an orchestrated stunt specially timed for the local and celtic elections.
Perhaps the whole thing started with Cameron and Clegg agreeing that they needed to look and sound very different before the polls took place.
Perhaps immigration was thought to be the best area to show how different the two coalition partners were.
Perhaps the real reason there were no policy announcements was because there were none to be announced.
Perhaps Cameron wanted Nick Clegg to criticise him to show how different the right of centre, ex-public school, Oxbridge graduates were.
Perhaps Clegg realised his current unpopularity and asked Cable to perform the task instead.
Perhaps they think the electorate are fools who cannot see through their attempts to orchestrate the media and voters on their terms.
Perhaps I am wrong.
Not sure I am, though.
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'A Political View' is taking a break until after May 5th.
I'll be spending the next two weeks trying to help Mark Whitcutt become the new Assembly Member for Monmouth, then after that, who knows!
But hopefully, there will be more to comment on after that.
Thanks to the 250+ of you who have followed my blog so far, and I hope you will carry on reading!
Cameron's speech contained no policy initiative, wasn't very controversial and seemed to want 'good' immigration (in Cameron Speak, middle class Asians who will set up their own businesses and then vote Conservative) rather than 'bad' immigration (in Cameron speak, black people). All fairly tame by Tory standards, you might think.
Vince Cable, however, didn't think so. He was pretty quick off the mark in his criticism of Cameron, putting forward his response almost before the speech was made. Good old Aunty Vince, warning that David Cameron was playing into the hands of extremism, being the progressive voice in a cabinet full of Etonians.
Or perhaps not.
Perhaps, as with everything else that this Government has done so far, it was a charade, an orchestrated stunt specially timed for the local and celtic elections.
Perhaps the whole thing started with Cameron and Clegg agreeing that they needed to look and sound very different before the polls took place.
Perhaps immigration was thought to be the best area to show how different the two coalition partners were.
Perhaps the real reason there were no policy announcements was because there were none to be announced.
Perhaps Cameron wanted Nick Clegg to criticise him to show how different the right of centre, ex-public school, Oxbridge graduates were.
Perhaps Clegg realised his current unpopularity and asked Cable to perform the task instead.
Perhaps they think the electorate are fools who cannot see through their attempts to orchestrate the media and voters on their terms.
Perhaps I am wrong.
Not sure I am, though.
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'A Political View' is taking a break until after May 5th.
I'll be spending the next two weeks trying to help Mark Whitcutt become the new Assembly Member for Monmouth, then after that, who knows!
But hopefully, there will be more to comment on after that.
Thanks to the 250+ of you who have followed my blog so far, and I hope you will carry on reading!